Paul Cuffee School will be closed due to expected inclement weather on Thursday, February 6, 2025.
Debido al mal tiempo esperado, la Escuela Paul Cuffee estará cerrada el jueves, 6 de febrero de 2025.

PCMS Wins Trophy at MATHCOUNTS Competition

On Saturday, March 7th, at CCRI’s Knight Campus in Warwick, five Cuffee students participated in a statewide math competition against students from 20 other Rhode Island middle schools. Congratulations to Amare Summers, Jalen Summers, Avery Johnson, Angelli Peralta, and Gifty Bediako, and to their coach Mr. Hall for all their hard work and preparation!

The MATHCOUNTS state competition consists of three distinct tests with a series of questions, rules, points, and scoring methods associated with each round. During the “sprint round,” individual students are given 40 minutes to answer 30 questions worth one point each, without using calculators. After a 30-minute break, the students then complete a rapid series of tests, consisting of two questions per six-minute round, worth two points each. Calculators are allowed during this “target round” of questions. After one more break, individual students join the rest of their school’s team members to solve 10 problems in 20 minutes using their calculators. The “team round” questions are also worth 2 points each, and are the final test in the competition. 

To determine each school’s score, each team members’ individual scores are averaged and added to their total “team round” points. Cuffee’s Middle School team earned a trophy for being among the top scoring schools in this year’s MATHCOUNTS competition!