Para contactar los miembros del personal, envie un correo electrónico utilizando la primera letra de su primer nombre con su apellido completo
Ejemplo: John Smith =

Carter Adams
Title(s): MLL Teacher
Department(s): Special Services
Location(s): Upper School
Degree(s): BA - Alfred University

Denise Adams
Title(s): After School Club/Enrichment Staff
Department(s): After School/Enrichment
Location(s): Lower School

Louis Amodio
Title(s): 6th Grade Science Teacher / Advisor
Department(s): Grade 6, Middle School
Location(s): Middle School
Degree(s): BA - UMASS Lowell, MA - Georgia State University

Claudia Arroyave, RN
Title(s): School Nurse Teacher
Department(s): Upper School Admin
Location(s): Upper School
Degree(s): BA - Rhode Island College, MS - Rhode Island College

Nicole Arteaga
Title(s): 3rd Grade Teaching Partner / ASC Staff
Department(s): After School/Enrichment, Grade 3, Teaching Partners
Location(s): Lower School
Degree(s): BA - Hofstra University

Hannah Baker
Title(s): Teaching Partner
Department(s): Lower School, Teaching Partners
Location(s): Lower School

Josie Batista
Title(s): Lower School Principal
Department(s): Lower School Admin
Location(s): Lower School
Degree(s): BA - Rhode Island College, MA - Providence College

Brooke Beach
Title(s): Math Instructional Coach, K-8
Department(s): Lower School, Middle School, Specials
Location(s): Lower School, Middle School

Janell Blyden
Title(s): 6th Grade Teaching Partner
Department(s): Grade 6, Middle School
Location(s): Middle School

Kiana Bonilla
Title(s): Kindergarten Teaching Partner
Department(s): Kindergarten, Teaching Partners
Location(s): Lower School
Degree(s): BA - Rhode Island College
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