Alex & Ani Shoppers are “Charmed by Charity” while Supporting our Annual Fund

Paul Cuffee parent, Deborah Vandermillen, joins fellow supporters at a Cuffee Fundraiser, Charmed by Charity, at Alex and Ani, Wayland Square, Providence.

Paul Cuffee parent, Deborah Vandermillen, joins fellow supporters at a Cuffee Fundraiser, Charmed by Charity, at Alex and Ani, Wayland Square, Providence.

Scores of shoppers supported the Annual Fund by shopping during a recent special event at Alex and Ani, Wayland Square, Providence. Hosted by the Parent Association, the Charmed by Charity event raised money towards the Annual Fund with 15% of all sales conducted during the event donated to the school.

The Annual Fund provides curriculum-enriching programs and resources at all three PCS campuses. These include new books and technology, theater, dance and arts programs, marine exploration, field trips to museums and nature preserves, college visits, sports programs, and more.



Average Class Size: 20
Current Enrollment: 820
Students of Color: 96%
Female Students: 51%
Male Students: 49%
Free/Reduced Price Lunch Eligibility: 82%
Multi-Language Learners: 19%
Students Receiving Special Education Services: 13%
Total Employees: 168
BIPOC: 45%
Female Employees: 75%
Male Employees: 25%