Paul Cuffee School will be closed due to expected inclement weather on Thursday, February 6, 2025.
Debido al mal tiempo esperado, la Escuela Paul Cuffee estará cerrada el jueves, 6 de febrero de 2025.

Welcome to Paul Cuffee School!

In an effort to create the best possible start for our youngest kids, please watch the videos and check out the resources below for ways to help your child prepare for Kindergarten.

Have fun learning all about rhyming, beginning sounds, syllables, letters, and environmental print through easy and engaging activities you can do right at home with your child! 

SKILL: Rhyming

Rhyming teaches children how language works. Rhyming helps children notice and play with sounds in words. Here are rhyming activities you can play anywhere such as in the car or waiting in line at a store!

To DoDescription
ACTIVITYRhyme Repetition: Child begins to hear and say rhyming words
  • Parent says 2 rhyming words (cat, bat)
  • Child repeats the 2 rhyming words

  • Rhyme Recognition: Child recognizes if words rhyme or do not rhyme
  • Parent says 2 words (map, tap) or (yes, me)
  • Child repeats the 2 words and shows thumbs up if the 2 words rhyme or shows thumbs down if the 2 words do not rhyme
    Click to watch Hearing Rhymes

    SKILL: Beginning Sounds

    It is important for children to be able to recognize individual sounds in words. Here are some scavenger hunt activities to help your child hear the beginning sounds.

    To DoDescription
    ACTIVITYSame Beginning Sound Hunt:
  • Find toys/objects in your house that all start with the same sound (block, Barbie, bird). Ask your child what is the first sound you hear.

  • Different Beginning Sound Hunt:
  • Show your child toys/objects with 3 different beginning sounds (scissors, fork, cow). Ask your child to find the object that begins with the sound _____.

    SKILL: Syllables

    Hearing syllables helps children distinguish parts in a word. Recognizing syllables supports both reading and writing. Here are some activities to practice hearing and counting syllables in words.

    To DoDescription
    ACTIVITYSyllable Hopscotch:
  • Use chalk to draw a hopscotch with numbered boxes. Have you child hop the number of syllables in their own name, their favorite character’s name, animals, food, etc.

  • Syllable Clapping, Tapping, and Chin-dropping:
  • Find objects/toys around the house to hear and count the syllables. As you model, have your child clap out a word to hear how many syllables (ti-ger = 2). Then have your child tap their legs to hear how many syllables. Last, have your child put a hand under their chin to feel how many syllables in a word.

  • VIDEO 1
    Click to watch Syllables Hopscotch
    VIDEO 2

    SKILL: Letters

    Children need to learn their ABC’s but practicing letters doesn’t have to be with a pencil and paper! Here are letter activities to do with your child that will be a fun sensory experience!

    To DoDescription
    ACTIVITYSalty Letters:
  • Find a baking tray and pour salt on the tray. Have your child form letters in the salt. Your child can practice both naming and forming letters. Shake the tray a little bit to erase and begin again!

  • Guess My Letter:
  • Write a letter on your child’s back with your finger and see if your child can guess the letter. Switch places and have the child write letters on your back too. Use your hand to “erase” the letter and try again!
  • VIDEO 1
    VIDEO 2

    SKILL: Environmental Print

    Environmental print is the print that is all around us. It is the print on signs, labels, and logos. Environmental print helps your child to begin to recognize familiar words and letters in words. It also builds confidence and gets children excited about reading! Here are some activities to use the print around you.

    To DoDescription
    ACTIVITIESI Spy Environmental Print:
  • When you are taking a walk or riding in a car, have your child find letters on signs. Play “I Spy” by saying “I Spy the letter ____.” For example, “I Spy the letter P” and your child finds the letter P in Pizza Hut.

  • I Can Read Environmental Print:
  • Make your own alphabet book together using all kinds of environmental print. Cut out images from magazines, cereal boxes, etc. T is for Target, W is for Wal-Mart, S is for stop sign.
  • EXAMPLEClick here for an example of an Environmental Alphabet Book

    Other Resources: 



    Average Class Size: 20
    Current Enrollment: 820
    Students of Color: 96%
    Female Students: 51%
    Male Students: 49%
    Free/Reduced Price Lunch Eligibility: 82%
    Multi-Language Learners: 19%
    Students Receiving Special Education Services: 13%
    Total Employees: 168
    BIPOC: 45%
    Female Employees: 75%
    Male Employees: 25%