Title 1 is a program created by the United States Department of Education to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education. Title 1 newsletters are designed to give busy family members practical ways to develop children’s skills in reading, writing, language, math, and science. Newsletters are available at the beginning and intermediate level in both Spanish and English.
Below are links to an archive of PDFs that contain fun math and reading activities that you and your child can do at home.
Math & Science Connections
February: English | Español
January: English | Español
December: English | Español
November: English | Español
October: English | Español
September: English | Español
Reading Connection (Beginners)
February: English | Español
January: English | Español
December: English | Español
November: English | Español
October: English | Español
September: English | Español
Reading Connection (Intermediate)
February: English | Español
January: English | Español
December: English | Español
November: English | Español
October: English | Español
September: English | Español