PCS 3rd Graders Embrace Environmental Stewardship of the Woonasquatucket River

STEM program

NBC educator, Cynthia Morrissette, distributes Woon Watershed Explorer Activity Book to 3rd grade STEM students. (right) PCS 3rd grader, Ingrid Tacuba, begins aquatic activities in her WWE notebook.

Narragansett Bay Commission educator, Cynthia Morrissette, has begun the Woon Watershed Explorers (WWE) program with 3rd graders during their STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Math) classes.

In the WWE program, students learn all about their local watershed and why it is so important to care about clean water. The program includes a monthly visit from NBC as well as three field trips to do water testing on the Woonasquatucket River, tour the Fields Point Waste Water Treatment Plant, and attend an Eco Conference at Goddard Park.



Average Class Size: 20
Current Enrollment: 820
Students of Color: 96%
Female Students: 51%
Male Students: 49%
Free/Reduced Price Lunch Eligibility: 82%
Multi-Language Learners: 19%
Students Receiving Special Education Services: 13%
Total Employees: 168
BIPOC: 45%
Female Employees: 75%
Male Employees: 25%