(Left) Paul Cuffee 2nd graders, Rubykate Turbi, Jazmine Valdez and Karla Garcia enjoy dessert and fun at the Family Spaghetti Dinner. (Right) Paul Cuffee parent, Yulisse Cepedes along with Daniel, Gabriel and Angelisse can’t wait to unwrap their Baking Basket, a prize won in the Spaghetti Dinner Raffle.
The 6th annual Family Spaghetti Dinner brought out 140 Cuffee family members for a spaghetti dinner, an annual fundraiser for the After School Enrichment programs benefiting grades K – 8. Cuffee parent, Dwayne Richardson, along with servers Catherine Edwards and Wendy Randle dished up spaghetti, salad, rolls, and desserts. Twenty prizes were raffled off and the event raised over $500 to benefit the programs.