(Left image) PCS music teacher Ms. Sybille Pierre directs the Upper School Chorus in a lively rendition of “The Lion Sleeps Tonight.” (Right image from left to right) Wind trio, Orlando Montalvo (flute), Maria Woel (alto saxophone), and Kendra Guzman (flute) perform “Kumbaya” for Laurelmead residents.
Music teacher and choral director, Ms. Sybille Pierre may have been with PCS only a few months, but she is already making her mark with the 25 person chorus and instrumentalists at the Upper School.
Recently, the group performed for the residents of Laurelmead, an independent living facility on Providence’s beautiful east side. Laurelmead residents are no strangers to Paul Cuffee School. Many of them have volunteered at the school as readers, pen pals and classroom assistants and many donate significant gifts to the school’s annual fund. The concert was a nod to those volunteers and a thank you to those donors.
Steeped in the sounds of African drums or the slow sultry strains of southern blues, the musical numbers included “The Lion Sleeps Tonight” from The Lion King, Michael Jackson’s “Black or White” and “The Color Purple” from the musical. Instrumentals of “Kumbaya”, “Spring into Action” and “Summertime” demonstrated the students’ wind instrument skills and a duet of “The Prayer” by the talented Kelly Hernandez and Orlando Montalvo brought the audience to its feet with applause.