On May 31st, the Paul Cuffee Upper School community welcomed friends, family, and colleagues of the late Earl N. Smith III to an All School Meeting during which a celebration of Earl’s life and legacy preceded the announcement of the very first scholarship award recipient in his memory. After poetry recitations, heartfelt remembrances, and acknowledgement of the worthiness of all six applicants who met the scholarship eligibility criteria that most closely emulated Earl’s spirit and character traits, Sarina Yang, who is planning to attend the Nursing Program at Rhode Island College in the fall, was thoroughly surprised when she was named the inaugural Earl N. Smith III Memorial Scholarship Award recipient.
To continue Earl’s legacy for generations to come, donations to establish an endowed fund in his memory will be matched dollar for dollar (up to $10,000) by a generous friend of Paul Cuffee School. Please give an amount you can afford, and encourage others to join you so that every year, a graduating senior can continue Earl’s legacy of perseverance, leadership and positive impact as they pursue their higher education dreams.
Donate to the ENSIII Scholarship Memorial Fund