Dedicated Volunteers Donate Hundreds of Hours a Year to Paul Cuffee Students

(Left) Cuffee volunteer, Tom Salvo, who is a registered rep with Barnum Financial Group and teaches financial literacy to PCS 5th graders, listens to volunteer Jean Burr, Coach Women’s Basketball, Brown University. (Right) Cuffee parent, Bruce Ciummo, volunteers regularly in the Lower School.

Kahlil Gibran once wrote, “You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.”

Giving of oneself to Paul Cuffee students is honored and celebrated each spring at Paul Cuffee School. Our volunteers join together for a special breakfast held in their honor and share the work they have done throughout the year.

Many volunteers come, some as often as three days a week, to read to the children, tutor them, or supervise them on field trips throughout the year. They are men and women of all ages, backgrounds, some retired, others include parents in busy households. Each understands how important and meaningful it is to be part of the children’s education and to watch them grow through the grades.

If you would like to volunteer at Paul Cuffee School, please contact Kathleen O’Halloran, Institutional Advancement Office (


Average Class Size: 20
Current Enrollment: 820
Students of Color: 96%
Female Students: 51%
Male Students: 49%
Free/Reduced Price Lunch Eligibility: 82%
Multi-Language Learners: 19%
Students Receiving Special Education Services: 13%
Total Employees: 168
BIPOC: 45%
Female Employees: 75%
Male Employees: 25%