At the end of September, more than 200 Cuffee families attended Curriculum Night, held on different evenings at the Lower, Middle, and Upper Schools, to meet teachers and learn about each class’s curricular goals. Teachers welcomed students and their parents into classrooms, demonstrating and discussing the programs that will unfold as the year progresses.
PCS Board Chair Russell Carey and Interim Head of School Wendy Randle welcomed families and recapped the summer’s activities and early fall events. Title I coordinator Ann Hampson spoke about the additional support services provided by Title I funding to improve academic achievement.
A highlight of the evening at each school was the book giveaway. Funded by Macy’s “Be Book Smart” campaign and distributed by Reading Is Fundamental (RIF), the book giveaway furnished award-winning and other high-quality titles for students in each age group to take home. Paul Cuffee School received more than $3,000 under this program to supply books for students in grades K-12.
A second book giveaway will be held in December to ensure that students have reading material for the holiday recess.