Paul Cuffee School will be closed due to expected inclement weather on Thursday, February 6, 2025.
Debido al mal tiempo esperado, la Escuela Paul Cuffee estará cerrada el jueves, 6 de febrero de 2025.

Advocating for the Environment

Paul Cuffee students participating in Earth Day activities.
At right, fourth grade teacher and STEM specialist Stacy Gale (middle) being honored by
Project Green Schools for her Outstanding Commitment to Greenovation [GREEN + STEM + Innovation].

In spite of the April snow showers and less than spring-like temperatures, environmental stewardship is in full bloom at Paul Cuffee School. Partnering with the Woonasquatucket River Watershed Council (WRWC), PCS 4th graders attended Rhode Island’s Earth Week kick off rally and joined with WRWC River Rangers to clean up Promenade Street around the school and bordering the river. They painted benches, mulched around trees, picked up litter and worked on cleaning out and replanting the bio-swale that draws run off from the Rathbone Street turf playground and parking lot.

Fourth grade teacher and award-winning STEM specialist Ms. Stacy Gale spearheaded the bio-swale renovation. She also has been honored by Project Green Schools – a national, youth-focused, environmental organization – for her Outstanding Commitment to Greenovation [GREEN + STEM + Innovation] and received recognition in a ceremony at the Massachusetts State House to kick off Earth Week.