Paul Cuffee School Wins Excellence in Facilities Transformation Award

Great News! The International Facilities Management Association’s (IFMA’s) Boston Chapter has named Paul Cuffee School’s innovative new Digital Twinning Project among their 2021 Awards of Excellence winners.  Jeff Dronzek, our school’s Business Manager and Rah’D LeTang, PCS Manager of Operations are being honored for their due diligence and creative solutions to remote air quality management in response to COVID. 

The PCS project team was nominated for the IFMA’s Excellence in Facilities Transformation by DataArrows, Inc., whose groundbreaking work with the school has made it possible for our facility managers to monitor all three buildings in real time and respond to air quality issues quickly.
The ability to successfully monitor indoor air health was integral to safely reopening our school buildings in September during the COVID-19 pandemic. Unfortunately, the majority of school buildings in New England—including Paul Cuffee, are old with outdated HVAC systems.
Specifically, Paul Cuffee faced several challenges, including assessment of indoor air conditions for compliance with COVID-related guidelines, optimum operation of windows and doors for providing enough ventilation while still keeping students comfortable, and accurate diagnosis and rapid response to issues in the buildings’ HVAC systems.
Choosing the Digital Twinning solution by Data Arrows had the desired effect, enabling Paul Cuffee’s facility managers to assess indoor air conditions and make informed decisions while keeping students, faculty, and staff members comfortable and safe.
We’re proud that the IFMA will be recognizing our school’s innovative solution and project management team with their Excellence in Facilities Transformation Award at their FM Forward signature event on March 29th.