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Responding to Friday’s Violence in Newtown, CT

Dear Paul Cuffee School Families, By now you are well aware of the horrific tragedy that befell Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. Information is still coming forward, but I wanted to share with you some thoughts that may comfort you, as you look to send your child to School on Monday. We did not share the news with our students during the day, choosing instead to focus our energy on the purposeful, daily work that engages us. We are well aware that this story will be covered this weekend, that it will be unsettling to children, and that you may need some talking points to address your child.

Head of School Serves on Panel at UMass Leadership Conference

Head of School, Michael C. Obel-Omia, served on a panel at the Critical Transformative Leadership and Policy Conference, held at University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth. The purpose of the Conference...

Head of School on This I Believe Rhode Island

Michael Obel-Omia, Paul Cuffee School’s Head of School, was recently featured on Rhode Island NPR’s  ”This I Believe Rhode Island.” The topic of his piece, “How Children Succeed,” draws directly...

Paul Cuffee’s Middle School featured in Slate Magazine

Elizabeth Larsen, a writer for Slate Magazine, heard about Paul Cuffee School’s use of Developmental Design’s philosophy, the School’s success with the program, and determined to interview Middle School Principal,...

Science NECAP Results Released

With tremendous joy and appropriate humility, I share Paul Cuffee School’s Science NECAP results.  As you can see, we have improved our scores this year, and our results compare favorably...