Following are articles and videos about PCS and other topics of interest.
See it in Action—The Developmental Designs Approach — A promotional video on the Origins of Developmental Designs featuring our middle school students
A Charter Celebration — PCS Board Chair Emeritus David C. Burnham celebrates the history and success of Paul Cuffee School in an op ed piece published in the Providence Journal.
Maritime Lessons for Academic and Life Learning — An article on Paul Cuffee School’s history, mission, and maritime learning theme appears in Friends of Tall Ships Worldwide, Issue 1, 2013. (see page 8 for a full-page article with photos.)
Bridging the Digital Divide — Former Head of School Michael Obel-Omia redefines the “digital divide” in a technology discussion with freelance blogger Lori Day, an educational psychologist and contributor to’s Technology Integration Blog.
The Worst Years of our Lives — Paul Cuffee’s Middle School was featured in Slate Magazine. The article highlights our School’s faithful use of the philosophy that emphasizes not only high academic standards, but also, and equally important, intense focus on the social and emotional lives of our students.
Teaching Creativity and Higher Order Thinking to Middle Schoolers — An article by former PCS teacher Ariana L. Wohl in The Leader, the journal of the National Social Studies Supervisors Association (NSSA).
Boat Design Day at Paul Cuffee School — Boat Design Judge John Burnham describes this special annual event for
School Plays–Process or Product? — PCS artist-in-residence Bill Harley examines the process of producing a school play.