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Beyond Amazing!

Imagine a SNEAKER BALL where there are no aching feet because you have your best sneakers on for a night of dancing, fun, and friendship! Thanks to the exceptional event...

Proactive Health & Wellness

Lifespan, Neighborhood Health Plan and volunteers from 24 local agencies provided awareness building activities, screenings, and hands-on learning opportunities at the school’s annual Health + Wellness Fair.

Local History Lessons

Thanks to the resourcefulness of our 4th grade teachers and generous funding for admission fees and busing, the entire fourth grade attended a private tour of the New Bedford Whaling...

Integrated Arts Spotlight

The annual tradition of learning about Captain Paul Cuffee's life and the first integrated school in New England was delightfully dramatized by our 4th graders.

4th Grade Poetry Slam Celebrates Black History

To conclude their Black History Month studies, Ms. Conrad’s 4th grade class presented a form of performance poetry where each student selects and reads aloud a selected poem by a...

Trinity Rep’s La Broa’ Performance Strikes a Chord with PCS Seventh Graders

As a result of their consistent attendance and extra hard work on their studies before, during and after school, a group of PCS middle school students earned the reward to...

Paul Cuffee School Nature Enthusiasts Delight Government Officials

Six of our 5th grade nature enthusiasts (Joshua, Emily, Jaime, Lori, Xavier, and Rosemary) and their equally passionate Nature Club leader, Stacy Gale, represented Paul Cuffee School at the 10th...

Annual College Visits

Every year, Paul Cuffee School arranges for students to visit local colleges and universities as part of their college and career readiness education. The time commitment, cost of transportation, and distance make visits to schools outside of our region...

Performing Artist Visits the Lower School

Thanks to a generous grant from the Barker Foundation, Paul Cuffee Lower School students were treated to folklore and fables from around the world on December 21st. Performing artist Rochel Garner Coleman of the Rhode Island Black Storytellers...

Alumni Advocacy in Action!

Allison Hernandez (PCMS ’11), program manager for Rhode Island’s Nonviolence Institute, initiated a dynamic community dialogue at the Providence Public Library in November for youth program leaders and teens from...

Average Class Size: 20
Current Enrollment: 820
Students of Color: 96%
Female Students: 51%
Male Students: 49%
Free/Reduced Price Lunch Eligibility: 82%
Multi-Language Learners: 19%
Students Receiving Special Education Services: 13%
Total Employees: 168
BIPOC: 45%
Female Employees: 75%
Male Employees: 25%