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Beyond Amazing!

Imagine a SNEAKER BALL where there are no aching feet because you have your best sneakers on for a night of dancing, fun, and friendship! Thanks to the exceptional event...

The Golden Rule

  A group of Middle School students who made the Head of School’s List earned the privilege of touring the Golden Rule, an historic wooden sailboat that is making stops...

Helping to Fight Hunger

To continue an annual tradition that benefits the RI Food Bank, fourth graders and their teachers hosted their annual Empty Bowls fundraising event on Thursday evening November 17th at the...

Reading for Pleasure

Thanks to our librarian and other book lovers in Rhode Island, the Paul Cuffee Lower School has received its own copies of the 2023 RI Children’s Book Award Nominee Book...

Hispanic Heritage Olympic Games

To complete a month of learning with a day of hands-on activities, games, and cultural pride, the Upper School faculty and staff hosted an Olympic Games Day. There were awards...

Unity Day

While the culture of caring and kindness remains strong at PCS, bullying prevention is still among our top priorities. To demonstrate a united front, on October 19th, the day of...

¡La 2da Ronda del Desafio de BINGO ha Comenzado!

¡El Club Después de Escuela de Paul Cuffee los reta a que continúen divirtiendose todos los días después de la escuela! ¡Se ha creado una serie de actividades para que...

¡El Club Después de Escuela los Reta a Divertirse Seriamente!

 ¿No puede ver el video? Presione aquí. ¡El Club Después de Escuela de Paul Cuffee los reta a divertirse todos los días después de la escuela! ¡Se ha creado...

Información actualizada de las comidas “Grab and Go”

(Para ver este mensaje en ingles presione aquí) A partir del martes 7 de abril, para cuidar la salud de los niños en edad escolar, sus familias y los trabajadores del...

Almuerzos “Grab and Go” disponibles para estudiantes a partir del martes 17 de marzo

(Para ver este mensaje en ingles presione aquí) Todos los niños de 18 años o menos pueden recibir desayunos, almuerzos y cenas gratuitas de lunes a viernes en varios lugares...

Average Class Size: 20
Current Enrollment: 820
Students of Color: 96%
Female Students: 51%
Male Students: 49%
Free/Reduced Price Lunch Eligibility: 82%
Multi-Language Learners: 19%
Students Receiving Special Education Services: 13%
Total Employees: 168
BIPOC: 45%
Female Employees: 75%
Male Employees: 25%